Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Tribal Tattoo Designs
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Thursday, December 4, 2008
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
The Yakuza Tattoos
Many years ago in the time of the Shogun, the Japanese Authorities would tattoo criminals to make them stand out from the rest of the population. These would take the form of black rings on the arms. As the sentence and convictions increased, so would the rings on the arms.
These tattooed men would stick together and form gangs and eventually they would be known as "Yakuza". These tattoos where worn proudly as symbols of status and these "Yakuza tattoos" developed into magnificent, ornate tattoos that covered the whole body. These Yakuza tattoos have been known to take over two years to complete.
The Yakuza are believed to be one of the largest organized crime factions in the world and have been around longer than the mafia and their history can be traced back to the year 1612.
For the Yakuza it doesn't matter which country you come from or from which class of society you belong to, Yakuza members must be willing to die for their boss.
Today's many Yakuza gang factions are patriarchal in nature but women are integral parts of Japan's gangland society. Wives, mistresses and girlfriends of top Yakuza figures often undergo extensive tattooing. These women sometimes use tattoos to demonstrate their affiliations with the gang lifestyle. In some cases it's done to show loyalty and obedience to the Yakuza member they are involved with.
"Irezumi" is the art of tattooing in Japan. This word means "insertion of ink". This can be referred to a tattoo artist, the person who gets the tattoo, or the tattoo itself.
The Japanese Samurai who would tattoo themselves so if they died in battle would also use tattoos and their clothes and armor looted after; there would still be a means for them to be recognized.
Beijing Hosts 2007 China Tattoo Convention Centre
Though tattoos in China still draw scorn from Chinese elders and double-takes from straight-laced youth, this weekend China's tattoo enthusiasts gathered in Beijing for China's Tattoo Show Convention 2007. Until recently, tattoos in China were reserved for those with ties to organized crime, a prison record or membership to one of China's tribal minorities for whom body art has long been a custom. In today's China, as evidenced by over 1000 tattoo artists, suppliers and amateurs from all of China's provinces who attended the opening ceremony, the tattoo has taken on a entirely new and mainstream cultural significance.
The 3-day convention at the Sunshine Art Space in Beijing opened Saturday morning with a welcoming ceremony and a sign-up session for anyone who wished to get tatted during the event. The following days included various tattoo competitions, a comparative exhibit on Chinese and Western tattoo philosophies and different presentations of tattoos within China and all over the world. As China has taken its cultural cues from the West in recent years, and has experienced increased exposure to rock, Hip Hop music and NBA players (nearly half of whom are tatted), the tattoo has become an accessory that defines the modern, rebellious nature of today's Chinese youth culture. More and more Chinese youth, for whatever reason, are re-examining the tattoo as not a willful imperfection imposed upon the body, but as an expression of popular fashion. Tattoo parlors can be found in the smallest Chinese cities serving the impulse of China's hip to indelibly mark their bodies with designs and words.
The convention concludes Monday night with awards and a closing ceremony. As tattoo culture catches on in today's China, the Tattoo Show Convention will surely attract more and more tattoo enthusiasts in years to come.Source:http://www.smallswordsmagazine.com/articles/image/tattooconvention.html
Tattoos in China and A Chinese Tattoos
Ever since seeing Beijing’s punk poster-boys Reflector at Xining’s Material Life Music Bar, I’ve been thinking an awful lot about tattoos. This Material Life Music Bar was full of inked Chinese and foreigners; it was the highest volume of tattoos I’d seen in a while and the inspiration for the following rant.
There are two topics I’ve been thinking about: i) Having Tattoos in China and ii) Getting Tattoos in Foreign Languages (especially Chinese or Tibetan).
Even though in recent times tattoos have become slightly more acceptable in the Chinese mainstream, tattoos still carry a social stigma. This article from China Daily showcases the growing trend of tattoos among China’s young people, but also hints at the slow-changing tattoo-wariness shared by the traditionally minded.
The wariness is easy to understand given the sordid history of tattoos in China. In his article “Street Scenes of Subalternity,” Michael R. Dutton explains some philosophical and historical background about why tattoos remain subversive in Chinese culture:
Dutton continues by describing how gangs of criminals adopted tattooing as a way to forge group identity and to “mark [themselves] outside the society.”
To sum up, tattoos have traditionally been the mark of outcasts and organized criminals. I’ve also heard it said that prostitutes also favor having tattoos, possibly as group identifiers or, more innocuously, as preferred ways for covering up unsightly scars.

Beautiful Pigs get tattoos
Apparently owners of an art gallery in Shanghai agree in spirit with the Oklahoma City Council, as they have banned designer tattooed pigs from an art show.
A Belgian artist tattooed the pigs as part of an art exhibition, but gallery owners found it in poor taste. I have nothing against tattoos, but I doubt if a pig would freely choose to be tatted with the Louis Vutton logo. Maybe if he let the get inked with a lovely slop design…

The Tribal Sun Tattoo Designs
As someone who has tattoos myself, I can fully understand how difficult it can be to choose an appropriate design that you want on your body for the rest of your life. It is difficult to really see something that is of true interest to you, or that best suits exactly why you want your new tattoo. I have sat for hours attempting to decide. Finally though you manage it. Some of the most interesting designs for this are the sun and tribal tattoo designs.
It is sometimes incredibly difficult however to chose between the two. First you can not find any, and then you find two that you like so much you wish you could combine them together. With a pen and paper besides me I have often sketched out the many different tattoos attempting to see how best they fit together, and I am incredibly lucky to have a friend who is an artist to help me out.
If you are not as lucky as I am though, the best thing about tattoo parlours is that quite often they offer the service of creating and drawing tattoos specifically for you. This allows you to have your own original tattoo. But it will come at a small price. Now, finally, you have picked out your tattoo, a combination of a tribal and sun tattoo design.
The sun tattoo design is usually a rather plain design. Most of the time those who do choose to have this will want to customize it in some way, whether this is with a personalized sun design, with a picture within the sun, or with another tattoo, the sun is an easily customizable design which means you can have an original tattoo upon your body.
An excellent one to combine along with the sun tattoo design is a tribal tattoo design. Tribal tattoo designs are often seen as intricately woven, thick black lines, which can be adapted and changed to surround the sun designs, and together the tribal sun tattoo design can be a beautifully created design for you.

Tribal Lion Tattoo - Tips For Your New Tattoos
You've decided Texas Handbags want a tribal lion tattoo, but you are unsure Dutch Oven Bag to start. The lion Tan Leather Bags a fantastic and majestic symbol that would make a really great tribal tattoo, but there are many things to consider before you get something that is so permanent inked on your body. If you haven't put much thought into the research for your tribal lion tattoo the end results can be less than Designer Handbag Purse and Graco Doll Stroller Set am sure that is not the effect you are after.
The lion as a mythical symbol dates back thousands of years. A huge number of cultures have used the lion to represent strength, vigor, masculinity, power and dominance. It is also frequently used in Jamaican Free Scrapbook Designs to represent God. How awesome will it feel to show off your conversation piece to friends and family?
Before Plaid Golf Pants this Antiaging Skin Care tattoo, I recommend exploring online tattoo galleries to find a unique piece of artwork. So many free tattoo galleries are outdated and will leave you less than thrilled with the results. Subscribing to a pay online tattoo gallery will give you a leg Similac Formula Coupons Checks 2 5 00 1 2 50 on others who may have already consider getting a tribal lion tattoo as their latest ink. You also want the benefit of having a community of tattoo lovers that can help with your decision to make sure you are not Clearance Dark Red Coral Swarovski Crystal Earrings down the wrong path with your design. Bad tattoos can be very expensive to retouch and fix, so doing the proper investigation beforehand can make the difference between a good tattoo and being unhappy. There is the added benefit of locating a quality local recommended tattoo artist to get your new tribal lion tattoo.
Tribal Dragonfly Tattoos Galeri
Even in real life, a dragonfly has a sort of fairy tale quality to it. It’s about the size that we would imagine a fairy to be, with beautiful, gossamer wings. At the same time, unlike a fairy or butterfly, dragonfly tattoos are not categorically feminine. They have a universal appeal. Dragonfly tattoo designs can easily be given a bold tribal look, for example, that’s quite masculine.
On the other hand, they can also be subtle and sketchy, or elaborate and colorful. Many dragonfly images are both beautiful and ugly at the same time – for example, the delicate wings of the dragonfly are juxtaposed with its insect eyes and segmented body – just as they are in nature. From far away, it looks like a fairy tale creature, but close up, it’s definitely of this earth. Like the creature that inspired it, a dragonfly tattoo is indicative of a person who cannot be easily categorized.

Tribal Tattoo Designs
There are many different types of tribal tattoo designs. Take into consideration all the different looks, meanings, shapes and designs when selecting a design for yourself. From cross tattoos to sun tattoos to even armbands, the various forms can be altered. It is always good to learn the meanings of the tattoos to figure out if it will fit your personality. There are some people who believe that these tribal tattoos really do provide mysterious and magical powers to the person wearing them. While others believe that they provide a special quality, for instance, they have the power to give courage and strength. So, when choosing a design, consider these things.

Tips For Tattoo Aftercare
All the hard work could be wasted on your body art without proper tattoo aftercare. It’s easy to keep your tattoo looking great if you follow a few simple steps.
Step 1: Let Your Tattoo Heal
Your artist will give you some specific instructions as how to help your tattoo heal. In starting your tattoo will probably be covered with a bandage. In starting days, you will be instructed to:
Take out the bandage off after a few hours. Mostly it is recommended to you to leave the bandage on for about two hours. Wash your hands and dry them thoroughly before taking off the bandage.
Gently rinse the tattoo and the area around it with mild soap and water. Instead of using a sponge or a washcloth, lightly rub the soap and water on your tattoo with your fingers.
Using a very soft towel, dab the tattoo until it is dry.
Allow the tattoo to dry before putting on any lotions or moisturizers.
Step 2: Keeping Your Tattoo Moist
The most important thing you can do to ensure long-lasting color is to keep your tattoo moisturized. The moisture will prevent the tattoo from developing a scab, which can rob it of color.
There are many different products standard moisturizing creams and antibiotic ointments to lotions specifically made for body art, like Tattoo. There are many product which can be used in the way to use the moisturizer is pretty standard.
Using clean and dry fingers to apply the cream into the tattoo. Wipe off the extra cream. Using too much moisturizer is bad as not using any at all is also. Keep the tattoo exposed to air and don’t cover it with any bandages. Reapply moisture several times a day.
Step 3: Avoiding the Sun
Exposing it to the sun may damage your tattoo, especially when it’s still new. Sunburn can cause a scab to form over the tattoo, which may scar the skin and fade the ink. You will need to follow this step of tattoo aftercare for as long as you have the tattoo.
In the first few weeks, keep the tattoo out of the sun altogether. This may mean keeping your shirt on if the tattoo is on your back, arms, or chest, and wearing long pants if the tattoo is on your legs. If you go swimming or head to the beach, try covering the tattoo with a loose bandage that won’t rub the skin. Remove the bandage as soon as you are in the shade or can cover it up with clothing.
After the tattoo is fully healed, put sunscreen on it. Long-term exposure to the sun can make the dyes and pigments fade, even after you’ve had the tattoo for a few years. Use a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 anytime the tattoo will be in sun.
Tattoo Aftercare Tips
After two weeks getting the tattoo, you should avoid soaking your skin in water, scrubbing it with a towel, or using alcohol-based products on your skin. Remember to never pick at any scabs that form since this can pull the color out.
It is a good idea to follow the advice of your tattoo artist, make sure they know your history with skin care products. If a certain type of lotion causes you to allergy, your artist may be able to recommend another product that can work better with your skin type.
Most important thing to do is to follow your tattoo aftercare. Even if the tattoo seems to be healed and healthy, don’t neglect it. Keeping your tattoo hydrated and out of the sun are the best ways to ensure that it will look good.

Bicoming The 3D Tattoos
Very realistic 3D tattoos, some of them look scary too. Do you think the lizard on the back of this girl is real one? If yes, then you’re wrong. It’s a cool 3dimensionnal tattoo.

Rose tattoos on upper thigh/ hip?
Best thing you can do is to actually go to a tattoo parlor just to "shop". They have tons and tons of drawings, sketches, and complete tattoos arranged on the walls and usually also in big binders at every tattoo shop. You can look through them and get a feel for what you like.
Also, when you've found something you like, you can always "edit" it till it's just right. You can have them color something that started out B&W, remove color from something that started out rainbow, splice several tattoos together, take pieces off existing tattoos….pretty much whatever you ask them to do, they can do it.
When I went to go get my tattoo, it took me almost 45 minutes to get it looking just right. They do it on paper first, using scissors (for cutting/editing) and photocopiers (for sizing/adjustments) and then when you give them the OK, they put it on your body.

Sexy Feminine Tattoos For Women
Feminine tattoos run the gamut from small flowers to large designs, and this feminine tattoos gallery shows the range. If you're trying to decide on your own feminine tat design, use these images to jumpstart your creativity, but be sure to add your own personal touch.
Female tattoos – or tattoos that are feminine in design, and are usually favored by women or girls – are becoming more and more common.
For the first fifty or sixty years after tattooing became commonplace and even mainstream in modern society, few women got tattoos – in fact, those that did were the exception and usually a touch eccentric or rebellious.
All that changed about twenty years ago when tattooing became more socially acceptable, largely due to the many celebrities who publicly sported tattoos. Some of these were women, and so the female tattoo became more common and acceptable. Nowadays most people find female tattoos sexy and attractive, they certainly aren't offensive anymore.
Tattoos for women
That having been said it’s still true that more men than women get tattoos and it’s even true that there is a little element of social rebellion inherent in a woman’s decision to get a tattoo, although this is less and less the case, tattoos are more like a fashion item these days.
However, female ink is no longer shocking, and we no longer jump to conclusions about a woman’s moral character based on whether or not she has a few tattoos!
Source:Feminine tattoos run the gamut from small flowers to large designs, and this feminine tattoos gallery shows the range. If you're trying to decide on your own feminine tat design, use these images to jumpstart your creativity, but be sure to add your own personal touch.
Female tattoos – or tattoos that are feminine in design, and are usually favored by women or girls – are becoming more and more common.
For the first fifty or sixty years after tattooing became commonplace and even mainstream in modern society, few women got tattoos – in fact, those that did were the exception and usually a touch eccentric or rebellious.
All that changed about twenty years ago when tattooing became more socially acceptable, largely due to the many celebrities who publicly sported tattoos. Some of these were women, and so the female tattoo became more common and acceptable. Nowadays most people find female tattoos sexy and attractive, they certainly aren't offensive anymore.
Tattoos for women
That having been said it’s still true that more men than women get tattoos and it’s even true that there is a little element of social rebellion inherent in a woman’s decision to get a tattoo, although this is less and less the case, tattoos are more like a fashion item these days.
However, female ink is no longer shocking, and we no longer jump to conclusions about a woman’s moral character based on whether or not she has a few tattoos!

Feminine Tattoos, Like What?
According to wikipedia, the word 'feminine' refers to qualities and behaviors judged by a particular culture to be ideally associated with or especially appropriate to women and girls, Feminine also called womanliness. Distinct from femaleness, which is a biological and physiological classification concerned with the reproductive system, femininity principally refers to secondary sex characteristics and other behaviors and features generally regarded as being more prevalent and better suited to women, whether inborn or socialized.
Then, how woman should tattoo her body so that they keep their 'femininity'? Many women are now getting feminine tattoos and it's not just because they want to rebel against something. Feminine Tattoos are beautiful to look at and seem to provide a woman with extra confidence.
There is a "But" here, the tattoos need to look feminine and natural. I have seen women who were very slender and toned with large tattoos on their arms or back which looked completely out of place. When I asked them about their tattoos they usually say "I wish I had got a smaller one which didn't look so obvious".
Women need to remember one important fact about getting a tattoo - Small is Feminine.